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MFE Series & Docs in Development

Asylum - Series

MediaFusion Asylum Poster

Fleeing their country, Carmen and her mother join the Caravan of migrants and find themselves separated, with no hope of reuniting. Read more

Caught in a Web

MediaFusion Caught in a Web Poster

A series about ordinary people caught up in a web of lies.


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The Chronicles of Young Washington

MediaFusionThe Chronicles Of Young Washington Poster

A fantasy series about young George Washington before he became president. Read more

Foolz Paradise

MediaFusion Foolz Paradise Poster

A series about ordinary people living in a fool's paradise until one fateful event.


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My Telenovela

MediaFusion My Telenovela Poster

A comedy series where people recount true events in their lives that could have been a telenovela.


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MediaFusion Shrillers Poster

Shrillers (SHril ərs = high-pitched and piercing sounds) are thrillers with (s)heroes in lead characters.

- Pilot - Shrillers, a documentary of the history of (s)heroes in thrillers

- Episode 2 - House of Secrets

- Episode 3 - Carmilla, the original Vampire


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Stealing History

MediaFusion Stealing History Poster

A series about Tomb Raiders, Smugglers, and the Looting of the Ancient World, how grave looters and art dealers are savaging archaeological sites and stealing the history that they could reveal. A journey around the world, through Iraq, Peru, Hong Kong and across America, showing how the worldwide antiquities trade is destroying what’s left of ancient sites before archaeologists can reach them. Narrated by renowned journalist and author Roger Atwood. In association with Serein Productions. Click here for more information.

Women in Intelligence

MediaFusion Women In Intelligence Poster

Women have always participated in espionage, often described as a combination of the two oldest trades, especially at times of war. This three-part series traces to our present moment how women have used their wits, wiles, and courage to advance the causes dear to their hearts. Story by Marsha Weiner & Carol Bidault


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